LET'S TALK: 001.425.830.5939​
Is your fiber plant aging?
Are FTTX, FTTA or DWDM in use?
What is your migration plan?
With over 45 years of experience in fiber optics, Larry Johnson can help your organization address applications, technologies and challenges.
Fiberstory Is unique in that it doesn’t sell a product, but addresses the past, present, and future of fiber optic technology to provide practical solutions.
To do so requires expertise when addressing legacy installations and next generation technologies up to terabit transmission rates.
Periodically the fiber industry goes through dynamic shifts in technology and how it is used. We are now in the fifth major shift in fiber optics since its humble beginnings fifty years ago.
Look for FiberStory to bring a different perspective to this dynamic technology.
In 2021 the Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) selected FiberStory to develop a 144 hour vendor neutral course to train fiber optic technicians on how to Install FTTx networks. The first preliminary course was presented in the spring of 2022 with a 100% pass rate. Now in process of finalyzing the course for the FBA.
Technical Writing
​Webinars and speaking
Customized Fiber Optic Training
Technology Assessments
​Specialty/Consulting Services​
Ghost Writing